Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The End?

August 20, 1518

My ruling as governer went well, especally after having so many valuables such as gold. I have recently been arrested for that I was accused of trying to usurp Fransisco Pizarro's power and I was accused of splitting territories of the South Sea, which is Fransisco Pizarro's land. Pizarro thought that I was doing something different. I discovered a new islands and name it "Puerto Piñas" after that there were so many pineapples there. I don't know what is ahead of me, but all I know is that I am going back to Spain for this trial about me. I do not think I will be able to get out of this problem after the fortunet escape I had years ago. I am going to deny whatever they accuse me of. That is the only way out of this situation. Well, this may be the last time I write in this journal. But for now, I pray to God for the best results of my life.

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