Tuesday, May 22, 2007


January 25, 1510

We have arrived in Darién and it seems that we are not welcome in this once peaceful region. The Cacique with their leader Cemaco had 500 warrior natives waiting for our arrival. Our crew feared of more combat. We came to a deal that we would name the region after the great Virgen de la Antigua if we were victorious in the battle. As luck would have it we won this great battle. It was hard on both sides, but in the end Cemaco and his warriors fled into the jungle leaving us with a plunder of jewels and gold to harvest over. We named the area Santa Maria la Antigua del Darien. I have also witnessed what is seeming to be the highlight of my explorer career. I saw the Pacific Ocean. I am the first to have ever laid eyes on it and its beauty blinds those who see. I suggest anyone who reads this blog to go and check it out.

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